Муров Виктор Михайлович

Mudruv Victor Mikhailovich

Murov Victor Mikhailovich was born 24 August 1942 in Atbasar, Kazakhstan.

He studied in Karaganda Politechnical University (KPU) in 1959-1964,
graduated Mining Faculty in specialty "Mining-electromechanics"

Since 1965 he worked in Production Association (PA) "Karagandaugol" as a mechanic, the main power engineering specialists assistant, chief of mining district.

Since 1972 Mr. Murov V.M. is a post-graduate student of KPU at Exploiting minerals layer department.

In 1975 he defended a degree thesis for candidate in KPU on the theme "Research, rise of reliability and optimization of the technological schemes of coal-beds mining for effective reproduction of breakage faces". In his scientific work the themes cleaning work and processes of coal mines were systematized. Also reliability problems of technological scheme of cleaning work and technological processes connected with them (coal transportation, keeping up of coal mining tunnels) were considered, concrete examples of using worked-out recommendation for effective coal mining in PA "Karagandaugol" were given.

In 1975 he is senior research specialist of scientific research department at KPU. He begins working out a global system of effective reproducing of cleaning front for coal mines. All the researches were based on computer modeling of mining processes.

Since 1977 he works as senior lecturer of the "Economics of the mining industry" department KPU, where he presents lectures on highly scientific and pedagogical level on the following subjects :

  • coal mining economy;
  • general theory of statistics;
  • mining statistics;
  • economical and mathematical methods and modeling in planning and management of mining factory;
  • bases of management;
  • organizing of mining production;
  • economical bases of creating new mining machines and technology;
  • economical effects of investigation to mining industry.

Since 1988 he fulfils personal working for doctor's degree at Exploiting minerals layer department at KPU.
In 1993 Mr.Murov V.M. defended the doctor's degree thesis at the Institute of Coal of Sibiria Department of Russian Academy of Sciences on the theme "Scientific bases of cleaning front effective reproduction at coal mines". In his doctor work he formalised all the processes of cleaning front reproduction of coal mines (combine working of coal mine tunnels, degasation, montage works, cleaning works), created a complex of imitating models. The models became the bases for creating of calendar planing programs of cleaning front works. These programs became the bases in creating of year program of coal mine development. The scientific researches of Mr. Murov V.M. have been used at Karaganda coal mines and also at many mines of Russia. Totally 11 innovations were included in the norms of Coal Ministry of Russia and Kazakstan. These innovations include determining the output of mining factories reproduction parameters, reserves of cleaning works, estimating of reliability of cleaning works technologies and cleaning coal - face loads, duration of preparing cleaning front norms in different processes. His methods and instructions on working out calendar plans of developing mining works at functioning mines and those under project are widely used.

Since 1993 he is a professor of mining industry economy department at KPU and since 1997 he is professor of mining of Kazakhstan. He is awarded with "Labor veteran", "For heroic labor" medals.
In 1998 - 2007 Mr. Murov removed to Kaliningrad Russia and he has been working as a head of Industry economy department at Kaliningrad State Technical University. In 1999 he was elected a member of Academy of Mining Sciences.
Since 2007 Mr. Murov is a dean of economic faculty of KSTU.
On the basis of these researches 107 scientific articles were published, including 2 personal scientific books, 3 booklets and 11 norm documents. Scientific articles were published in authoritative scientific journals of USSA and Kazakhstan.